"Lorraine" streaming nowwwww

Lorraine is an angel. This song is a fantasy story of a boy who needs all the structures of the world to fall in order to reach the girl he believes he loves. He won’t know until he reaches her. Is it worth sacrificing the world as he knows it?

The artwork is very special to me. It’s an oil on canvas painted by the magnificent Lorraine Christie. And it hangs on my wall as I speak :) I had it commissioned especially for this song. It speaks to me in so many ways, not the least of which is its color.

Written, produced, performed by Andrew Samples. Mixed by Andrew Samples in Altadena, Los Angeles, CA. Mastered by Colin Leonard at SING Mastering in Atlanta, GA.

Click pic to listen!

Click pic to listen!

"Caught in the Middle" is now streamingggggg

Well, the next one is here…”Caught in the Middle”- which is just about how I feel right now. The middle isn’t such a bad place to be, though. If you were to ask me what this song was about, I would probably say it’s about doing the work, each day, no matter what. When I do for myself what needs to be done, I feel good. My confidence grows and the depression stays far far away. And when the work has been done, according to my capacity, it’s also time to stop, and take a break, and assess. That constant back and forth, and the awareness it can take to know where you are in this cycle, is a balance, a middle ground. And when I’m there, I’m at peace. Like I said, not such a bad place to be.

Written, Recorded, Produced, and Performed by Andrew Samples. Mixed by Andrew Samples in Altadena, CA. Mastered by Colin Leonard at SING Mastering in Atlanta, GA.

click pic to listen :)

click pic to listen :)