"Christmas Lives in the Heart" (feat. Journey)

I am a lover of Christmas: the season, the weather, the movies, and of course, the MUSIC. And I will forever try my hand at creating new, original Christmas songs, whether or not anyone is asking me for them haha! :) So here’s my song for this year, 2020. What a year. I was lucky enough to have my niece, Journey, in town at the same time I was recording it, and I was already entertaining the idea of having a female singer on it with me, so it was perfect timing! She’s a terrific singer (she’s 17!), and we had some fun recording it.

Produced, written, and recorded by Andrew Samples in Altadena, CA. Mixed by Andrew Samples. Mastered by Colin Leonard at SING Mastering in Atlanta, GA.

Click on pic to listen!

Click on pic to listen!


Out now is “Trust Me.” This song was inspired after seeing the movie, Marriage Story, in November 2019. It was a matinee at The Vista theater in Loz Feliz. Seems like such an ancient memory now, since I haven’t been to a theater in about 6 months. But they showed the movie in 35mm, and there’s a spiritual feel that I tend to get from projected light shining through film. I like to think our brains are more active when watching a movie on film, because it’s constantly having to fill in the gaps between the pictures to create the continuous motion. I like to think that anyhow. But I had that calm, contemplative feeling I so often get after attending the theater on a solo trip. What I took from it was how love still remains even after it’s gone.

“Trust me, despite the things I never came through on.” Real love is truly unconditional. Can we prepare ourselves to love unconditionally? Or does it just happen naturally? Like all things, I believe it’s a little of both.

Written, Recorded, Produced, and Performed by Andrew Samples, Altadena, CA. Mixed by Nico Hamui, Los Angeles, CA. Mastered by Colin Leonard at SING Mastering, Atlanta, GA.

Click pic to  L i s t e n

Click pic to L i s t e n

also got some n e w  p  i  c  s  :  )

also got some n e w p i c s : )

"Caught in the Middle" is now streamingggggg

Well, the next one is here…”Caught in the Middle”- which is just about how I feel right now. The middle isn’t such a bad place to be, though. If you were to ask me what this song was about, I would probably say it’s about doing the work, each day, no matter what. When I do for myself what needs to be done, I feel good. My confidence grows and the depression stays far far away. And when the work has been done, according to my capacity, it’s also time to stop, and take a break, and assess. That constant back and forth, and the awareness it can take to know where you are in this cycle, is a balance, a middle ground. And when I’m there, I’m at peace. Like I said, not such a bad place to be.

Written, Recorded, Produced, and Performed by Andrew Samples. Mixed by Andrew Samples in Altadena, CA. Mastered by Colin Leonard at SING Mastering in Atlanta, GA.

click pic to listen :)

click pic to listen :)

"Seduction" released today :)

I went for a whole new vocal approach on this one. Scott Walker, Burt Bacharach, Elvis Costello vibes. It was a lot of fun to perform.

My dear good friend, Oscar Mitt, painted the cover art. He’s brilliant.

My other dear good friend, Michael Birnbryer played the Clarinet and mute Trumpet.

Written, Recorded, Produced, and Performed by Andrew Samples. Mixed by Andrew Samples in Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA. Mastered by Colin Leonard at SING Mastering in Atlanta, GA.

Click pic to listen :)

Click pic to listen :)